FARO Focus laser scanners

Fast, accurate and complete measurements of complex objects and buildings

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The Ultimate in 3D Data Capture

Building on our history of accuracy and reliability, the new FARO Focus Premium Laser Scanner is the fastest, most accurate and most data-sharing-enabled scanner on the market to date, featuring entirely new components with a proven design.

Up to 50% Faster Scan Times

About 1 minute to complete a typical scan, in combination with the optional FARO PanoCam upgrade, even in color.

Super-High Color Resolution

The latest color camera technology enables the Focus Premium to capture scans with up to 266 megapixel color information.

Two-Year Waranty

Competitive service means maximizing the life of this product while reducing the total cost of ownership throughout the device's lifespan. Two years allows for maximum flexibility and the piece of mind knowing that any repairs or defective parts will be replaced.

Fast, accurate and complete measurements of complex objects and buildings

Capturing the measurements of a large object or building with conventional documentation methods can take days or weeks, and even then the data might contain errors or missing details. But FARO Focus Laser Scanners create accurate, complete and photorealistic 3D images of any environment or object in just a few minutes. With their intuitive touch screen and compact design, these FARO FocusS 3D scanners are as easy to operate as a digital camera — with built-in protection from dirt, dust, fog, rain and heat/cold.

Stormbee brochure

Reality Capture brochure

Freestyle Tech Sheet

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Measuring method

The laser scanner transmits a laser beam, which is reflected by an object back to the scanner. The distance is measured with millimetre precision by means of the phase difference between the transmitted and received beams.
Vertical angle
The mirror directs the laser beam through the space in a vertical direction. The angle is recorded at the same time as the distance measurement.
Horizontal angle
The laser scanner turns horizontally through 360° while scanning. The horizontal angle is recorded at the same time as the distance measurement.
Defining the 3D coordinates
Distance, vertical angle and horizontal angle result in polar coordinate (d, α, β), which are converted into cartesian coordinates (x, y, z).