Turnkey solutions for small residential architectual firms, template creation, training and hardware included for the price of a cell phone contract.

Architect 4.0 S
R 1 350 pm
* Annual Commitment
Architect 4.0 X
R 1 950 pm
* Pending finance approval
Architect 4.0 XE
R 2 350 pm
* Pending finance approval​

Architect 4.0

Revit LT

3D Design and visualization
Create 3D orthographic or perspective views to better visualize and share your designs.
A single, coordinated model
Design revisions automatically update for every view throughout the design process.
Autogenerated schedules
Automatically create building component schedules to improve the visibility of costs and quantities.
Content for architects
Ready-to-use content includes office cubicles, furniture, residential and commercial windows, and an appliance library.
Fluid design file exchange with Revit users
Swap files with users of any Revit product.
Photorealistic rendering in the cloud
Use real-world materials with Autodesk cloud services.

Pinnacle Online Training

Architect 4.0 Bundle

Photorealistic rendering in the cloud

Standardize BIM workflows to boost efficiency

Architect 4.0 will help you:

Win more work with BIM

With Architect 4.0 you will:

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