Autodesk Revit LT Create 3D orthographic or perspective views to better visualize and share your designs.
AutoCAD LT Design revisions automatically update for every view throughout the design process.
Revit Templates SANS 204 + 10400 Template SA Ready Template
Support Telephonic and email support from Modena Access to Autodesk Support Specialist. Remote Desktop Assistance Access to Autodesk knowledge base with help documentation, tutorials, training videos, and community support forums.
Pinnacle Online Training Ready-to-use content includes office cubicles, furniture, residential and commercial windows, and an appliance library.
Content for Architects Ready-to-use content includes office cubicles, furniture, residential and commercial windows, and an appliance library. SA Revit Content Free Telephonic and email support
Revit LT
3D Design and visualization
Create 3D orthographic or perspective views to better visualize and share your designs.
A single, coordinated model
Design revisions automatically update for every view throughout the design process.
Autogenerated schedules
Automatically create building component schedules to improve the visibility of costs and quantities.
Content for architects
Ready-to-use content includes office cubicles, furniture, residential and commercial windows, and an appliance library.
Fluid design file exchange with Revit users
Swap files with users of any Revit product.
Photorealistic rendering in the cloud
Use real-world materials with Autodesk cloud services.
Pinnacle Online Training
Architect 4.0 Bundle
Photorealistic rendering in the cloud
Helps you produce high-quality 3D architectural designs and documentation.
Revits Lt’s model-based environment helps you transition to BIM.
Pinnacle training brings the training into you office and at your finger tips.
Modena support is there to assist you along the way.
Standardize BIM workflows to boost efficiency
Architect 4.0 will help you:
Simplify project processes by standardizing on BIM workflows.
Automate workflows to improve design quality and reduce risk.
Stay on track with comprehensive planning and project scheduling.
Win more work with BIM
With Architect 4.0 you will:
Qualify for projects requiring BIM deliverables.
Offer your clients insight into your designs with 3D modeling and visualization of your designs.
Exchange designs with other Revit and AutoCAD software users.