1st Annual Public Safety and Forensics Tech Summit – 9 December 


Trust Through Transparency


Discover how cutting-edge 3D scanning and imaging technology can help you capture unbiased, accurate data and greatly reduce human error.


24-Hour Event – Begins December 9, 11 AM ET


The Registration Page for the Public Safety & Forensics Tech Summit in English is now up and livehttps://www.psftechsummit.com/


Join us for this FREE global, 24-hour virtual summit and learn how the world’s top experts in public safety and forensics are harnessing 3D technology to reconstruct incidents in an accurate, transparent, and repeatable way.


A few of the most exciting sessions include:


  • 3D Evidence in Court: Dr. David Errickson, ACSFS FHEA, ACIFA, will discuss how different 3D imaging techniques can be used in court and the effect it has on jurors in their comprehension and the decision-making process.
  • Piecing the Puzzle: Bringing laser scanners, drones and Photogrammetry together in reconstructing accidents and shootings captured on video. Angelos Leiloglou will share some cases whereby merging point cloud data from different sources with laser scan data made it possible to accurately reconstruct the incident and see the full picture.
  • JFK Assassination: What modern forensic reconstructions reveal. Hear from forensic expert Mark Johnson and others on what they uncovered in their reconstruction of the shooting and former Dept. of Justice Attorney, John T. Orr on his life’s work of investigating this case.



Learn how the world’s top experts in public safety and forensics are harnessing 3D technology to reconstruct incidents in an accurate, transparent, and repeatable way.


Are you interested in attending the 1st Annual Public safety and Forensic summit South African professionals can join us for this FREE global, 24-hour virtual summit. The Registration Page for the Public Safety & Forensics Tech Summit  is now up and live. https://www.psftechsummit.com/